Momoe Shinwa ONE AND ONLY 1973-1980 is the fourth box set released by Yamaguchi Momoe.
It was released on August 21, 1996.
Box Set Information[]
- Catalog Number: SRCL-3631
Disc 1[]
- Toshigoro (としごろ; Old Enough)
- Hitori Bocchi no Anata (ひとりぼっちのあなた; You Are Alone)
- Shikaranaide ne (叱らないでね; Don't Scold Me)
- Buntsuu (文通; Correspondence)
- Ashita wa Ii Koto ga... (明日はいいことが…; Tomorrow will be a Good Day...)
- Ano Hito (あのひと; That Person)
- Vacation (バケイション)
- Kanashiki 16 Sai (悲しき16才; Sad 16 Year Old)
- Kawaii Baby (可愛いベイビー; Cute Baby)
- Lemon Kiss (レモンのキッス)
- Otona ni Naritai (大人になりたい; I Want to Be a Grown Up)
- Aoi Kajitsu (青い果実; Blueberry)
- Okashina Koibito (おかしな恋人; Funny Lover)
- Kinjirareta Asobi (禁じられた遊び; Forbidden Games)
- Otsukisama no Shita de (お月様の下で; Under the Moon)
- Koibito Gokko (恋人ごっこ; Playing Lovers)
- Nayami Ooi 14 Sai (悩み多い14才; 14 Year Old with a lot of Worries)
- Papa wa Koibito (パパは恋人; Daddy is a Sweetheart)
- Otome no Inori (乙女の祈り; Young Girl's Paryer)
- Sougen no Kagayaki (草原の輝き; Splendor of the Meadow)
- Hatsukoi no Hito (初恋のひと; First Love)
- Chuugaku Sannensei (中学三年生; Junior High School Third Grade)
- Watashi no Kare wa Hidarikiki (わたしの彼は左きき; My Boyfriend is Left Handed)
Disc 2[]
- Harukaze no Itazura (春風のいたずら; Spring Breeze Mischief)
- 15 Sai no Koi (15才の恋; Love of a 15 Year Old)
- Himitsu wo Motta Shoujo (秘密をもった少女; Girl with the Secret)
- Ame ni Nureta Shoujo (雨に濡れた少女; Girl in the Rain)
- Ogenki Desu ka (お元気ですか; How are You)
- Houkago (放課後; After School)
- Kataomoi (片想い; Unrequited Love)
- Sayonara no Kisetsu (さよならの季節; Season of Farewell)
- Hito Natsu no Keiken (ひと夏の経験; A Summer Experience)
- Kaze ni Naritai (風になりたい; I Want to Be Like the Wind)
- Taiyou no Tomodachi (太陽の友達; Friend of the Sun)
- Koi wa... ING (Shinkou Kei) (恋は…ING(進行形); Love is... ING (In Progress))
- Watashi wo Erande (私を選んで; Choose Me)
- Asahi no Niwa (朝陽の庭; Sunrise Garden)
- Kyoushitsu wo Detara Otona (教室を出たら大人; When I Leave the Classroom, I'm an Adult)
- Bara no Yuuwaku (バラの誘惑; Seduction of Roses)
- Chippoke na Kansho (ちっぽけな感傷; Petty Sentiment)
- Shiawase no Maebure (倖せのまえぶれ; Harbinger of Happiness)
- Namae no Nai Jikan (名前のない時間; Unnamed Time)
- Seiketsu na Koi (清潔な恋; Pure Love)
- Bojou (慕情; Longing)
- Nogiku no Haka (野菊の墓; Asteroideae Grave)
- Fuyu no Iro (冬の色; Winter Color)
- Izu no Odoriko (伊豆の踊子; The Dancing Girl of Izu)
Disc 3[]
- Mizumi no Kesshin (湖の決心; Lake Decision)
- Haru no Kiseki (春の奇蹟; Miracle of Spring)
- Futari ni Haru ga (ふたりに春が; Spring has Sprung for the Two of Us)
- Kawaita Kuchibiru (乾いた唇; Dry Lips)
- Uwasa no Shoujo (噂の少女; Rumor Girl)
- Miegai (美え貝; Beautiful Shell)
- Shiosai (潮騒; Roar of the Sea)
- Natsu Hiraku Seishun (夏ひらく青春; Youth Blooms in Summer)
- Ai ga Hitotsu Areba (愛がひとつあれば; If There's Only One Love)
- Sasayaka na Yokubo (ささやかな欲望; Modest Desire)
- Arigatou Anata (ありがとう あなた; Thank You, You)
- Akai Giwaku (赤い疑惑; Red Suspicion)
- Kinou Made no Kao (昨日までの顔; Face Until Yesterday)
- Kanshou Ryokou (感傷旅行; Sentimental Journey)
- Moeru Umi (燃える海; Burning Sea)
- Sora wa Konna ni Aoi (空はこんなに青い; The Sky is so Blue)
- Shiroi Yakusoku (白い約束; White Promise)
- Yamabato (山鳩; Turtledove)
- Zesshou (絶唱; Superb Song)
- Kuroi Tenshi no Theme (Blue Jeans to Kawa Jumper) (黒い天使のテーマ(ブルージーンと皮ジャンパー); Black Angel Theme (Blue Jeans and Leather Jumper))
Koufuku wa Dokoni (幸福はどこに; Where's the Happiness?)
- Boy Hunt (ボーイハント)
- Nagisa no Date (渚のデート; Nagisa Date)
Disc 4[]
- Ai ni Hashitte (愛に走って; Running for Love)
- Akai Unmei (赤い運命; Red Fate)
- Ebiiro no Ame (葡萄色の雨; Grape Colored Rain)
- Hekiiro no Hitomi (碧色の瞳; Blue Eyes)
- Yokosuka Story (横須賀ストーリー)
- Kagerou (陽炎; Heat Haze)
- Jitensha no Ue no Kare (自転車の上の彼; Him on the Bike)
- Club Sandwich wa Ikaga? (クラブ・サンドウィッチはいかが?; How About a Club Sandwich?)
- Soredemo Ashita ga... (それでも明日が…; Still, Tomorrow...)
- Amai Uragiri (甘い裏切り; Sweet Betrayal)
- Pearl Color ni Yurete (パールカラーにゆれて; Shimmering in Pearl Colors)
- Nageki no Subway (嘆きのサブウェイ; Sorrowful Subway)
- Kimi ni Namida no kuchizuke wo (君に涙のくちづけを; A Tearful Kiss for You)
- Ame ni Negai wo (雨に願いを; Wish for Rain)
- Akai Shogeki (赤い衝撃; Red Shock)
- Orange Blossom Blues (オレンジ・ブロッサム・ブルース)
- Hashire Kaze to Tomoni (走れ風と共に; Run With the Wind)
- Shunkin Shou (春琴抄; The Story of Shunkin)
- Komorebi (木洩れ日; Sunlight Filtering Through Trees)
Disc 5[]
- Hatsukoi Soshi (初恋草紙; First Love Story)
- Monotone no Shouzouga (モノトーンの肖像画; Monotone Portrait)
- Yumesaki Annainin (夢先案内人; Dream Guide)
- Ita Sexualis (いた・せくすありす)
- Miss Dior (ミス・ディオール)
- "Star Tanjou" AGAIN (「スター誕生」AGAIN; "Birth of a Star" AGAIN)
- IMITATION GOLD (イミテイション・ゴールド)
- Arashi Gaoka (嵐ヶ丘; Wuthering Heights)
- Hana Fude Monji (花筆文字; Flower Brush Lettering)
- Higan Hana (悲願花; Dearest Wish Flower)
- Cosmos (秋桜)
- Amaryllis (あまりりす)
- 52 Choume no Theme (52丁目のテーマ; 52nd Street Theme)
- Saigo no Page (最後の頁; Last Page)
- Akai Kizuna (Red Sensation) (赤い絆 (レッド・センセーション); Red Bond (Red Sensation))
- Kuchi Yakusoku (口約束; Verbal Promise)
- Doro Darake no Junjou (泥だらけの純情; Muddy Pure Heart)
- Unmei no Kanashisa (Brigadoon) (運命の哀しさ(ブリガドーン); Sorrow of Fate (Brigadoon))
- I Came from Yokosuka (I Came from 横須賀)
Disc 6[]
- Otomeza Kyuu (乙女座 宮; Virgo)
- Shisen Jou no Aria (視線上のアリア; Aria in the Line of Sight)
- Playback Part 2 (プレイバック Part 2)
- Kake (賭け; Bet)
- Giniro no Gypsy (銀色のジプシー; Silver Gypsy)
- Zettai Zetsumei (絶体絶命; Stalemate)
- Ochiba no Sato (落葉の里; Village of Fallen Leaves)
- Santa Maria no Atsui Kaze (サンタマリアの熱い風; Hot winds of Santa Maria)
- Mizu Kagami (水鏡; Water Mirror)
- (ヒ・ロ・イ・ン)
- Kirisame Rou (霧雨楼; Drizzle Tower)
- Ii Hi Tabidachi (いい日 旅立ち; Good Day, Departure)
- Scandal (Ai no Hibi) (スキャンダル (愛の日々); Scandal (Days of Love))
- Shrewd Fellow (シュルード・フェロー)
- Sekishun Dori (惜春通り; Late Spring Street)
- Yume no Ato Saki (夢のあとさき; Before and After a Dream)
- Yokosuka Sunset Sunrise (横須賀サンセット・サンライズ)
- Sunrise Sunset (Sunrise Sunset) (サンライズ サンセット (Sunrise Sunset))
- Yogore Naki Inori (The Impossible Dream) (汚れなき祈り (The Impossible Dream); Prayer Without Blemish (The Impossible Dream))
Disc 7[]
- Bi Silent (美・サイレント; Beauty Silent)
- Manjuushaka (曼珠沙華; Red Spider Lily)
- Odayakana Kouzu (おだやかな構図; Gentle Composition)
- Kanashiki Drummer Man (悲しきドラマー・マン; Sad Drummer Man)
- Omoide no Mirage (想い出のミラージュ; Mirage of Memories)
- Ai no Arashi (愛の嵐; Love Storm)
- Cynical (シニカル)
- Sentimental Hurricane (センチメンタル・ハリケーン)
- BACK TO BACK (Senaka Aawase) (BACK TO BACK(背中あわせ); BACK TO BACK (Back to Back))
- Shinayaka ni Utatte (しなやかに歌って; Sing Softly)
- Aizen Bashi (愛染橋; Aizen Bridge)
- Innocent (Junsui) (イノセント(純粋); Innocent (Pure))
- White Love (ホワイト・ラヴ)
- Mahogany Morning (マホガニー・モーニング)
- Yoru e... (夜へ…; To the Night...)
Disc 8[]
- Shanikusai (謝肉祭; The Carnival)
- Introduction Haru (イントロダクション・春; Introduction Spring)
- Yuugure Kara Anata e (夕暮からあなたへ; From Dusk to You)
- Rock 'n' Roll Widow (ロックンロール・ウィドウ)
- Aishuu no Coney Island (哀愁のコニーアイランド; Sorrowful Coney Island)
- Miss Boy
- Rinne (輪廻; Samsara)
- Crazy Love
- This is my trial (Watashi no Shiren) (This is my trial(私の試練); This is my trial (My Trials))
- Komori Uta (Lullaby) (子守唄(ララバイ))
- Ichie (一恵; Alone)
- Anata e no Komori Uta (あなたへの子守唄; Lullaby for You)
- Phoenix Densetsu (不死鳥伝説; Legend of the Phoenix)
- Sayonara no Mukogawa (さよならの向う側; The Other Side of Goodbye)
Disc 9[]
- Toshigoro
- Aoi Kajitsu
- Hito Natsu no Keiken
- Fuyu no Iro
- Natsu Hiraku Seishun
- Yokosuka Story
- Pearl Color ni Yurete
- Yumesaki Annainin
- Cosmos
- Akai Kizuna (Red Sensation)
- Otomeza Kyuu
- Playback Part 2
- Zettai Zetsumei
- Ii Hi Tabidachi
- Bi Silent
- Shinayaka ni Utatte
- Aizen Bashi
- Rock 'n' Roll Widow
- Sayonara no Mukogawa