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Momoe Shinwa ONE AND ONLY 1973-1980 is the fourth box set released by Yamaguchi Momoe.

It was released on August 21, 1996.

Box Set Information[]

  • Catalog Number: SRCL-3631


Disc 1[]

  1. Toshigoro (としごろ; Old Enough)
  2. Hitori Bocchi no Anata (ひとりぼっちのあなた; You Are Alone)
  3. Shikaranaide ne (叱らないでね; Don't Scold Me)
  4. Buntsuu (文通; Correspondence)
  5. Ashita wa Ii Koto ga... (明日はいいことが…; Tomorrow will be a Good Day...)
  6. Ano Hito (あのひと; That Person)
  7. Vacation (バケイション)
  8. Kanashiki 16 Sai (悲しき16才; Sad 16 Year Old)
  9. Kawaii Baby (可愛いベイビー; Cute Baby)
  10. Lemon Kiss (レモンのキッス)
  11. Otona ni Naritai (大人になりたい; I Want to Be a Grown Up)
  12. Aoi Kajitsu (青い果実; Blueberry)
  13. Okashina Koibito (おかしな恋人; Funny Lover)
  14. Kinjirareta Asobi (禁じられた遊び; Forbidden Games)
  15. Otsukisama no Shita de (お月様の下で; Under the Moon)
  16. Koibito Gokko (恋人ごっこ; Playing Lovers)
  17. Nayami Ooi 14 Sai (悩み多い14才; 14 Year Old with a lot of Worries)
  18. Papa wa Koibito (パパは恋人; Daddy is a Sweetheart)
  19. Otome no Inori (乙女の祈り; Young Girl's Paryer)
  20. Sougen no Kagayaki (草原の輝き; Splendor of the Meadow)
  21. Hatsukoi no Hito (初恋のひと; First Love)
  22. Chuugaku Sannensei (中学三年生; Junior High School Third Grade)
  23. Watashi no Kare wa Hidarikiki (わたしの彼は左きき; My Boyfriend is Left Handed)

Disc 2[]

  1. Harukaze no Itazura (春風のいたずら; Spring Breeze Mischief)
  2. 15 Sai no Koi (15才の恋; Love of a 15 Year Old)
  3. Himitsu wo Motta Shoujo (秘密をもった少女; Girl with the Secret)
  4. Ame ni Nureta Shoujo (雨に濡れた少女; Girl in the Rain)
  5. Ogenki Desu ka (お元気ですか; How are You)
  6. Houkago (放課後; After School)
  7. Kataomoi (片想い; Unrequited Love)
  8. Sayonara no Kisetsu (さよならの季節; Season of Farewell)
  9. Hito Natsu no Keiken (ひと夏の経験; A Summer Experience)
  10. Kaze ni Naritai (風になりたい; I Want to Be Like the Wind)
  11. Taiyou no Tomodachi (太陽の友達; Friend of the Sun)
  12. Koi wa... ING (Shinkou Kei) (恋は…ING(進行形); Love is... ING (In Progress))
  13. Watashi wo Erande (私を選んで; Choose Me)
  14. Asahi no Niwa (朝陽の庭; Sunrise Garden)
  15. Kyoushitsu wo Detara Otona (教室を出たら大人; When I Leave the Classroom, I'm an Adult)
  16. Bara no Yuuwaku (バラの誘惑; Seduction of Roses)
  17. Chippoke na Kansho (ちっぽけな感傷; Petty Sentiment)
  18. Shiawase no Maebure (倖せのまえぶれ; Harbinger of Happiness)
  19. Namae no Nai Jikan (名前のない時間; Unnamed Time)
  20. Seiketsu na Koi (清潔な恋; Pure Love)
  21. Bojou (慕情; Longing)
  22. Nogiku no Haka (野菊の墓; Asteroideae Grave)
  23. Fuyu no Iro (冬の色; Winter Color)
  24. Izu no Odoriko (伊豆の踊子; The Dancing Girl of Izu)

Disc 3[]

  1. Mizumi no Kesshin (湖の決心; Lake Decision)
  2. Haru no Kiseki (春の奇蹟; Miracle of Spring)
  3. Futari ni Haru ga (ふたりに春が; Spring has Sprung for the Two of Us)
  4. Kawaita Kuchibiru (乾いた唇; Dry Lips)
  5. Uwasa no Shoujo (噂の少女; Rumor Girl)
  6. Miegai (美え貝; Beautiful Shell)
  7. Shiosai (潮騒; Roar of the Sea)
  8. Natsu Hiraku Seishun (夏ひらく青春; Youth Blooms in Summer)
  9. Ai ga Hitotsu Areba (愛がひとつあれば; If There's Only One Love)
  10. Sasayaka na Yokubo (ささやかな欲望; Modest Desire)
  11. Arigatou Anata (ありがとう あなた; Thank You, You)
  12. Akai Giwaku (赤い疑惑; Red Suspicion)
  13. Kinou Made no Kao (昨日までの顔; Face Until Yesterday)
  14. Kanshou Ryokou (感傷旅行; Sentimental Journey)
  15. Moeru Umi (燃える海; Burning Sea)
  16. Sora wa Konna ni Aoi (空はこんなに青い; The Sky is so Blue)
  17. Shiroi Yakusoku (白い約束; White Promise)
  18. Yamabato (山鳩; Turtledove)
  19. Zesshou (絶唱; Superb Song)
  20. Kuroi Tenshi no Theme (Blue Jeans to Kawa Jumper) (黒い天使のテーマ(ブルージーンと皮ジャンパー); Black Angel Theme (Blue Jeans and Leather Jumper))

Koufuku wa Dokoni (幸福はどこに; Where's the Happiness?)

  1. Boy Hunt (ボーイハント)
  2. Nagisa no Date (渚のデート; Nagisa Date)

Disc 4[]

  1. Ai ni Hashitte (愛に走って; Running for Love)
  2. Akai Unmei (赤い運命; Red Fate)
  3. Ebiiro no Ame (葡萄色の雨; Grape Colored Rain)
  4. Hekiiro no Hitomi (碧色の瞳; Blue Eyes)
  5. Yokosuka Story (横須賀ストーリー)
  6. Kagerou (陽炎; Heat Haze)
  7. Jitensha no Ue no Kare (自転車の上の彼; Him on the Bike)
  8. Club Sandwich wa Ikaga? (クラブ・サンドウィッチはいかが?; How About a Club Sandwich?)
  9. Soredemo Ashita ga... (それでも明日が…; Still, Tomorrow...)
  10. Amai Uragiri (甘い裏切り; Sweet Betrayal)
  11. Pearl Color ni Yurete (パールカラーにゆれて; Shimmering in Pearl Colors)
  12. Nageki no Subway (嘆きのサブウェイ; Sorrowful Subway)
  13. Kimi ni Namida no kuchizuke wo (君に涙のくちづけを; A Tearful Kiss for You)
  14. Ame ni Negai wo (雨に願いを; Wish for Rain)
  15. Akai Shogeki (赤い衝撃; Red Shock)
  16. Orange Blossom Blues (オレンジ・ブロッサム・ブルース)
  17. Hashire Kaze to Tomoni (走れ風と共に; Run With the Wind)
  18. Shunkin Shou (春琴抄; The Story of Shunkin)
  20. Komorebi (木洩れ日; Sunlight Filtering Through Trees)

Disc 5[]

  1. Hatsukoi Soshi (初恋草紙; First Love Story)
  2. Monotone no Shouzouga (モノトーンの肖像画; Monotone Portrait)
  3. Yumesaki Annainin (夢先案内人; Dream Guide)
  4. Ita Sexualis (いた・せくすありす)
  5. Miss Dior (ミス・ディオール)
  6. "Star Tanjou" AGAIN (「スター誕生」AGAIN; "Birth of a Star" AGAIN)
  7. IMITATION GOLD (イミテイション・ゴールド)
  9. Arashi Gaoka (嵐ヶ丘; Wuthering Heights)
  10. Hana Fude Monji (花筆文字; Flower Brush Lettering)
  11. Higan Hana (悲願花; Dearest Wish Flower)
  12. Cosmos (秋桜)
  13. Amaryllis (あまりりす)
  14. 52 Choume no Theme (52丁目のテーマ; 52nd Street Theme)
  15. Saigo no Page (最後の頁; Last Page)
  16. Akai Kizuna (Red Sensation) (赤い絆 (レッド・センセーション); Red Bond (Red Sensation))
  17. Kuchi Yakusoku (口約束; Verbal Promise)
  18. Doro Darake no Junjou (泥だらけの純情; Muddy Pure Heart)
  19. Unmei no Kanashisa (Brigadoon) (運命の哀しさ(ブリガドーン); Sorrow of Fate (Brigadoon))
  20. I Came from Yokosuka (I Came from 横須賀)

Disc 6[]

  1. Otomeza Kyuu (乙女座 宮; Virgo)
  2. Shisen Jou no Aria (視線上のアリア; Aria in the Line of Sight)
  3. Playback Part 2 (プレイバック Part 2)
  4. Kake (賭け; Bet)
  6. Giniro no Gypsy (銀色のジプシー; Silver Gypsy)
  7. Zettai Zetsumei (絶体絶命; Stalemate)
  8. Ochiba no Sato (落葉の里; Village of Fallen Leaves)
  9. Santa Maria no Atsui Kaze (サンタマリアの熱い風; Hot winds of Santa Maria)
  10. Mizu Kagami (水鏡; Water Mirror)
  11. (ヒ・ロ・イ・ン)
  12. Kirisame Rou (霧雨楼; Drizzle Tower)
  13. Ii Hi Tabidachi (いい日 旅立ち; Good Day, Departure)
  14. Scandal (Ai no Hibi) (スキャンダル (愛の日々); Scandal (Days of Love))
  15. Shrewd Fellow (シュルード・フェロー)
  16. Sekishun Dori (惜春通り; Late Spring Street)
  17. Yume no Ato Saki (夢のあとさき; Before and After a Dream)
  18. Yokosuka Sunset Sunrise (横須賀サンセット・サンライズ)
  19. Sunrise Sunset (Sunrise Sunset) (サンライズ サンセット (Sunrise Sunset))
  20. Yogore Naki Inori (The Impossible Dream) (汚れなき祈り (The Impossible Dream); Prayer Without Blemish (The Impossible Dream))

Disc 7[]

  1. Bi Silent (美・サイレント; Beauty Silent)
  2. Manjuushaka (曼珠沙華; Red Spider Lily)
  3. Odayakana Kouzu (おだやかな構図; Gentle Composition)
  4. Kanashiki Drummer Man (悲しきドラマー・マン; Sad Drummer Man)
  5. Omoide no Mirage (想い出のミラージュ; Mirage of Memories)
  6. Ai no Arashi (愛の嵐; Love Storm)
  7. Cynical (シニカル)
  9. Sentimental Hurricane (センチメンタル・ハリケーン)
  10. BACK TO BACK (Senaka Aawase) (BACK TO BACK(背中あわせ); BACK TO BACK (Back to Back))
  12. Shinayaka ni Utatte (しなやかに歌って; Sing Softly)
  13. Aizen Bashi (愛染橋; Aizen Bridge)
  14. Innocent (Junsui) (イノセント(純粋); Innocent (Pure))
  15. White Love (ホワイト・ラヴ)
  16. Mahogany Morning (マホガニー・モーニング)
  17. Yoru e... (夜へ…; To the Night...)

Disc 8[]

  1. Shanikusai (謝肉祭; The Carnival)
  2. Introduction Haru (イントロダクション・春; Introduction Spring)
  3. Yuugure Kara Anata e (夕暮からあなたへ; From Dusk to You)
  4. Rock 'n' Roll Widow (ロックンロール・ウィドウ)
  5. Aishuu no Coney Island (哀愁のコニーアイランド; Sorrowful Coney Island)
  6. Miss Boy
  7. WHO
  8. Rinne (輪廻; Samsara)
  9. Crazy Love
  10. This is my trial (Watashi no Shiren) (This is my trial(私の試練); This is my trial (My Trials))
  11. Komori Uta (Lullaby) (子守唄(ララバイ))
  12. Ichie (一恵; Alone)
  13. Anata e no Komori Uta (あなたへの子守唄; Lullaby for You)
  14. Phoenix Densetsu (不死鳥伝説; Legend of the Phoenix)
  15. Sayonara no Mukogawa (さよならの向う側; The Other Side of Goodbye)

Disc 9[]

  1. Toshigoro
  2. Aoi Kajitsu
  3. Hito Natsu no Keiken
  4. Fuyu no Iro
  5. Natsu Hiraku Seishun
  6. Yokosuka Story
  7. Pearl Color ni Yurete
  8. Yumesaki Annainin
  10. Cosmos
  11. Akai Kizuna (Red Sensation)
  12. Otomeza Kyuu
  13. Playback Part 2
  14. Zettai Zetsumei
  15. Ii Hi Tabidachi
  16. Bi Silent
  17. Shinayaka ni Utatte
  18. Aizen Bashi
  19. Rock 'n' Roll Widow
  20. Sayonara no Mukogawa