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My Kore! Choice 05 Wardrobe + Single Collection is the 16th best album released by Iwasaki Yoshimi.

It was released on July 16, 2008.

Best Album Information[]

  • Catalog Number: PCCS-00005


  1. Kuchibiru Kara Suspense (くちびるからサスペンス; Suspense From the Lips)
  2. What's Love?
  3. 10 Tsuki no Photo Mail (10月のフォト・メール; October Photo Mail)
  4. Heels to Sutajan (ヒールとスタジャン; Heels and Stadium Jacket)
  5. Fire
  6. Congratulation
  7. Ai wa Doko ni Itta no (愛はどこに行ったの; Where Did the Love Go?)
  8. Chorus Work (コーラス・ワーク)
  9. Koi Hodo Sutekina Show wa Nai (恋ほど素敵なショーはない; There's No Better Show than Love)
  10. Last Dance ni wa Haya Sugiru (ラストダンスには早過ぎる; It's Too Early for the Last Dance)
  11. Tsuki no Hamabe (月の浜辺; Moon Beach)
  12. Oshare ni Kiss me (オシャレにKiss me; Kiss me with Style)
  13. Pretender (プリテンダー)
  14. Yokohama Headlight (ヨコハマHeadlight)
  15. Touch (タッチ)
  16. Ai ga Hitoribotchi (愛がひとりぼっち; Love is All Alone)
  17. Check! Check! Check! (チェッ!チェッ!チェッ!)
  18. Jounetsu Monogatari (情熱物語; A Tale of Passion)