Ninja Crisis (忍者クライシス), also known as Shinobu Kura (忍クラ), is an idol girl group produced by Takada Metal and Koyasu Tomoaki that debuted on June 4, 2021.
The group's concept is the fusion of ninja (ancient Japanese culture) and idols (modern Japanese culture) and their catchphrase is "We will sneak into your heart".
In addition to their group activities, the members are also active in various fields such as acting and modeling.
Current Members[]
- Yoshimiya Nanase (吉宮 七瀬) - Leader
- Ichihara Saki (市原 早姫)
- Nanase Kaho (七瀬 果歩)
- Ezoe Yuuka (江副 佑香)
- Mano Yuzuki (真野 柚希)
- Nagomi Chihiro (和 ちひろ)