Ninomiya Kazunari (二宮和也) is a talent, actor, singer, idol, YouTuber, and voice actor from Katsushika, Tokyo. He is a member of ARASHI and made his CD debut within the group on November 3, 1999.
- On November 12, 2019, he announced his marriage to a civilian woman, becoming the first married ARASHI member.[1]
- On March 5, 2021, he announced the birth of his first child, a daughter, with a civilian woman. He became the first father among ARASHI members.[2]
- On April 25, 2021, he launched his official YouTube channel "Janino Channel".[3] On April 29, the number of subscribers to the channel exceeded 2 million, a record set within 21 days of its launch.[4] On January 4, 2022, the number of channel subscribers exceeded 3 million.
- On June 17, 2022, his first cover album Marumaru to Ninomiya to was released.
- On November 19, 2022, he announced the birth of his second child, a second daughter.[5]
- On October 24, 2023, he announced he would leave SMILE-UP (formerly Johnny's Office) on the same day. Following that, he intended to go independent and work as an individual. He also confirmed his willingness to work together with ARASHI members when they decide to resume their activities following their leave of absence.[6]
- On November 7, 2023, he reported on his official Twitter account that he had established a new company.[7][8] The name of the new company is "Office Nino" and it is headed by the husband of sports journalist Masuda Akemi.[9]
- On December 10, 2023, it was announced that the channel name of "Janino Channel" would be changed to "Yonino Channel".[10]
Cover Albums[]
- [2022.06.17] Marumaru to Ninomiya to (○○と二宮と)
- ↑ 嵐の二宮和也が結婚報告「温かく見守って頂けましたら」
- ↑ 二宮和也に第1子誕生「精進して」嵐初のパパに
- ↑ 二宮和也、公式YouTubeチャンネル開設を発表 あす25日午後7時オープン
- ↑ 二宮和也のYouTube「ジャにのちゃんねる」 日本最速で登録者数200万人達成
- ↑ “二宮和也に第2子女児誕生「新しい家族が増えて賑やかになる事に喜びを感じております」”
- ↑ 二宮和也、旧ジャニーズ事務所から独立を発表 嵐の活動は継続「再開するときはメンバーとして活動する」
- ↑ “二宮和也が報告「二宮、会社を作りました」 嵐グループ活動継続も表明”
- ↑ 嵐・二宮和也『オフィスにの』設立 増田明美氏の夫が設立・運営に参加
- ↑ “二宮和也、設立した新会社名は「株式会社オフィスにの」 増田明美さんの夫・木脇祐二氏が代表取締役に就任”
- ↑ 『ジャにのちゃんねる』新チャンネル名は『よにのちゃんねる』に決定