Ninon is the first best album released by Zenbu Kimi no Sei da.. It was released on September 6, 2017.
Disc 1[]
- Neo Neojealous☆Melochaos (ねおねおじぇらす☆めろかおす)
- Yanderequiem (ヤンデレクイエム)
- Aiwhynot (哀whynot)
- The Battle of Identerror
- Hello Kiss me No say
- Yamikawa Gungunka (やみかわぐんぐんか)
- Wazurai Hallelujah (患いハレルヤ)
- Kimi Kimi Syndrome X (キミ君シンドロームX)
- Yowamushi Lullaby (弱虫ララバイ)
- ShitEnd Placebo (ShitEndプラシーボ)
Disc 2[]
- Yamikawagun March (やみかわぐんまーち)
- Mudai Gasshou (無題合唱)
- Alternative Melancholy (オルタナティブメランコリー)
- Ita Karma Ba◯su (痛カルマバ◯ス)
- Loser Gospel (ルーザーごすぺる)
- Bocchi Connect Shuu (ぼっちコネクト終)
- Haikei, Otona Gram (拝啓、おとなグラム)
- Philia Philia (フィリアフィリア)
- Boku Tabeta Mou Kimi no Subete wo (僕喰賜君ノ全ヲ)
- Dokushou Mudai (独唱無題)
- Ue Yuue Yuuo ~Hanekure no Tari~ (うぇゆうぇゆうぉっ~ヒネクレノタリ~)