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Nitta Eri (新田恵利) is a Japanese author, talento, former idol, and former founding member of Onyanko Club. As a lyricist, she goes by Eri (絵梨).


Nitta, the youngest daughter of older parents, worked various part-time jobs during high school to escape her strict home life. A coworker at one job encouraged her to audition for Fuji Television's All Night Fuji High School Girls Special. Lured by a free trip to Hawaii and a high daily pay, she accepted the offer and passed the audition. She was then selected as a founding member of Onyanko Club as member number 4.

Initially a part-time member, Nitta became the group's most popular member after a scandal led to the dismissal of member numbers 1, 2 and 3, making her the lowest member number. Although her solo debut was delayed multiple times due to her reluctance to commit to full-time entertainment, she finally debuted on January 1st, 1986. She became known as the "Hyakumandol" (100万ドル by the media for her striking smile and merchandise success. She announced her graduation in summer 1986 and left Onyanko Club on September 26, 1986, but returned for their final concert on September 20, 1987.

After a successful solo career, she retired in 1990 to become a lyricist and author. She returned to the industry in the early 2000s as a talento, but in 2014 became focused on caring for her mother who had become paralyzed after an accident. Following her mother's death in 2021, Nitta now dedicates most of her public appearances to home nursing and elder care education, and she is a published author and guest lecturer on the subject.[1]

In March 2024, she held her first solo concert in 34 years for select fan club members.


  • Member Number: 4



  1. [1986.05.02] ERI
  2. [1986.09.05] E-AREA
  3. [1987.04.24] ritardando
  4. [1987.11.21] Image (イマージュ)

Best Albums[]

  1. [1987.07.21] NITTA ERI BEST (新田恵利 ベスト)
  2. [1988.05.21] Headphone Stereo Select Series Nitta Eri (ヘッドホンステレオ・セレクトシリーズ 新田恵利)
  3. [1989.06.21] NITTA ERI BEST 16 (新田恵利 ベスト 16)
  4. [1990.03.21] Last Message
  5. [2002.07.17] MY COLLE!CTION NITTA ERI BEST (MYこれ!クション 新田恵利 BEST)
  6. [2003.07.16] MY COLLE!CTION NITTA ERI BEST 2 (Myこれ!クション 新田恵利 BEST 2)
  7. [2007.07.18] NITTA ERI SINGLES COMPLETE (新田恵利 SINGLES コンプリート)
  8. [2008.07.16] E-AREA + SINGLE COLLECTION (E-AREA + シングルコレクション)
  9. [2010.05.19] My Kore! Lite Nitta Eri (Myこれ! Lite 新田恵利)

Collaboration Albums[]

  1. [1987.12.16] Triangle (トライアングル) (w/ Fukunaga Satomi and Utsumi Kazuko)


  1. [1986.01.01] Fuyu no Opera Glass (冬のオペラグラス; Winter Opera Glass)
  2. [1986.04.10] Koi no Rope wo Hodo Kanaide (恋のロープをほどかないで; Don't Untie the Love Rope)
  3. [1986.08.01] Fushigi na Tejina no You ni (不思議な手品のように; Like a Mysterious Magic Trick)
  4. [1986.11.14] Naisho de Roman Eiga (内緒で浪漫映画; A Romance Film by Secrecy)
  5. [1987.02.14] Wakakusa no Shoutaijou (若草の招待状; The Written Invitation of the Green Grass)
  6. [1987.06.17] Circus Romance (サーカス・ロマンス)
  7. [1987.09.05] Déjà Vu (デジャ・ヴ)
  8. [1988.01.21] WHO?
  9. [1988.07.21] Rock and Roll Love Letter (ロックンロール・ラブレター)
  10. [1988.11.21] Sayonara no Kaze (さよならの風; The Wind of Goodbye)
  11. [1990.02.21] Prologue -Iidase na Kute- (プロローグ -いいだせなくて-; Prologue -I Couldn't Say-)

Video Releases[]

  1. [1986.12.28] Nitta Eri First Concert "E-AREA" (新田恵利 ファーストコンサート「E-AREA」)
  2. [1988.12.07] JAPONESIA ~Sayonara no Kaze~ (JAPONESIA~さよならの風~)
  3. [2003.10.16] Nitta Eri Hizo Intai Last Concert (新田恵利 秘蔵引退ラストコンサート; Nitta Eri Treasured Retirement Last Concert)



  • Nitta married the organizer of the 1996 Onyanko Club reunion event Fuji TV Day that same year. In June 2023, she announced his diagnosis with stage one malignant lymphoma and subsequent radiation therapy; by November, he was in remission.
  • She has an older sister (born 1958) and an older brother (born 1965).
  • Nitta auditioned for Onyanko Club for the pay and a chance to win a trip to Hawaii. Ironically, she was sent home early from the 1985 trip to Hawaii due to severe pneumonia. She has since visited Hawaii six times.
  • Her father died suddenly in December 1985, a week before her solo debut. Their strained relationship at the time influenced her decision to become her mother's primary caregiver, as a way to atone for her past behavior.
  • Her closest Onyanko Club friends included Nagata Ruriko, Nakajima Miharu, and Fukawa Tomoko. Today, she is friends with Ikuina Akiko[2], Yamamoto Susan Kumiko, and Okamoto Takako[3].
  • Nitta found many preserved items and stage outfits from her idol days in her mother's former home after her death[4][5]. She displayed a few of the stage outfits at her 2024 live concert.

External Links[]
