Nowhere Land is a collaboration character single by Furuki Nozomi, Kageyama Akari, Koga Aoi, Sekine Akira and Taichi Yo. It was released on April 8, 2020, and peaked at #43 on the Oricon single chart.[1]
Single Information[]
The lead track Nowhere Land was used as the ending theme for the anime movie Princess Principal: Crown Handler.
- Catalog Number: LACM-14979
- All Lyrics: Aoki Konnie
- All Compositions and Arrangements: Takahashi Ryo
- Nowhere Land
- Gratitude
- Nowhere Land (Instrumental)
- Gratitude (Instrumental)
Featured Artists[]
- Koga Aoi as Ange (アンジェ)
- Sekine Akira as Princess (プリンセス)
- Taichi Yo as Dorothy (ドロシー)
- Kageyama Akari as Beatrice (ベアトリス)
- Furuki Nozomi as Chise (ちせ)