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ONLY YUI is the first video release released by Asaka Yui.

It was released on July 3, 1987.

Video Release Information[]

  • Catalog Number:
    • VHS: HVV-10010
    • Laser Disc: 58LH-8003
    • DVD: WPBL-90139


  1. Yui's Self
  2. Natsu Shoujo (夏少女; Summer Girl)
  3. Futari no Moon River (ふたりのMoon River; Two Moon Rivers)
  4. Yui's Favour
  5. Yappashi... H! (ヤッパシ…H!; Absolutely... H!)
  6. Yui's Memory
  7. 10 Gatsu no Christmas (10月のクリスマス; Christmas in October)
  8. Yuism
  9. Complex BANZAI!! (コンプレックスBANZAI!!)
  10. TO BE LATE
  11. STAR
  12. Yui's Future

Hitomi ni STORM (瞳にSTORM; STORM in Your Eyes)
