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Jpop Wiki

Ongaku wa Keizai no Dorei Janai! is the seventeenth album released by Seifuku Koujo Iinkai.


  1. Ongaku wa Keizai no Dorei Janai (音楽は経済のドレイじゃない; Music is not an economic dray!)
  2. 1999
  3. Doushite Ka Na? (どうしてかな?; Why is that?)
  4. Doushitara Ii No? (どうしたらいいの?; How can I help?)
  5. Hatsukoi no Namikimichi (初恋の並木道; A tree-lined street of first love)
  6. Koi wa Fushigi (恋は不思議; Love is mysterious)
  7. Otanjoubi (お誕生日; Birthday)
  8. My Sweet Lullaby
  9. Saigo no Kiss (最後のKiss; Last Kiss)
  10. Hikkoshi (引っ越し; Moving house)
  11. Kodoku no Sekai (孤独の世界; A world of solitude)

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