Oshogatsu is the thirty-first album released by Seifuku Koujo Iinkai. Released after their disbandment, the album featured various sub-units under the SKi Family, and was originally credited as "Hoshikawa Ririka and SKi" (星川りりか&SKi). However, digital releases of the album use the Seifuku Koujo Iinkai name instead, and the album is officially credited as the group's thirty-first.
- Miso Nippon (味噌ニッポン; Miso Japan) (Kotobuki Tai)
- Colour (カラー) (SKi)
- Shiranai Mama ni (知らないままに; Without knowing it) (SKi)
- I'm Free (Katahira Hinako)
- Cutie Cat (Hellow)
- Kinenbi (記念日; Anniversary) (Hellow)
- Nippon (ニッポン; Japan) (THE DUET)
- Itsudemo Koko de... (いつでもここで...; Always here...) (SKi)
- Oshogatsu (お正月; New Year's Day) (SKi)
- Oshogatsu (Karaoke)
- Itsudemo Koko de... (Karaoke)
Featured Artists[]
- SKi
- Kotobuki Tai
- Katahira Hinako
- Sato Honami
- Hellow
- Hoshikawa Ririka
- Hashimoto Mika
- Mitsuo Mafuyu
- Hashimoto Mika