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Jpop Wiki

Otona wa Wakatte Kurenai is the third album released by Seifuku Koujo Iinkai. It consists entirely of songs performed by its subunits at the time, Michelle, NAPPA, Yuck'er-Lee, E√735, Chihiro Shinkou Kai, 4-Nin 1-Kumi and 3M.


  1. Koi no Angel (恋のエンジェル; Angel of Love) (Michelle)
  2. Furishikiru Ame (降りしきる雨; The Pouring Rain) (Michelle)
  3. Koi no Yukue (恋の行方; Where the Love is) (Michelle)
  4. Namida ga Tomaranai (涙が止まらない; I Can't Stop Crying) (Michelle)
  5. LAST SONG (Michelle)
  6. Anata no Ichigo Milk (あなたのイチゴミルク; Your Strawberry Milk) (NAPPA)
  7. Tsumetai Heart de (冷たいハートで; With a Cold Heart) (Yuck'er-Lee)
  8. Tissha (ティッシャー) (Yuck'er-Lee)
  9. Kioku no Nai Kuni e (記憶のない国へ; To the Land of No Memory) (E√735)
  10. Singer (シンガー) (Chihiro Shinkou Kai)
  11. Otona wa Wakatte Kurenai (大人はわかってくれない; Adults Don't Understand) (4-Nin 1-Kumi)
  12. Sotsugyou (卒業; Graduation) (3M)

Featured Sub-Groups[]

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