PriPara Idol Songs♪ Collection by SoLaMi♡SMILE (プリパラ アイドルソングコレクションbySoLaMi♡SMILE) is the first insert song mini album of the anime series PriPara in which Akaneya Himika, Serizawa Yuu and Kubota Miyu, from i☆Ris, are the voices of the main characters, Manaka Laala, Minami Mirei and Houjou Sophy respectively.
- Marble Make Up A-Ha-Ha! (ま〜ぶるMake Up A-Ha-Ha!)
- Taiyou no Flare Sherbet (太陽のflare sherbet Solar Flare Sherbet)
- Pretty Prism Paradise!!!]]
- Message from Laala
- Message from Mirei
- Message from Sophy
- Marble Make Up A-Ha-Ha! (ま〜ぶるMake Up A-Ha-Ha!) (Instrumental)
- Taiyou no Flare Sherbet (太陽のflare sherbet Solar Flare Sherbet) (Instrumental)
- Pretty Prism Paradise!!! (Instrumental)
Featured Members[]
プリパラ アイドルソング♪コレクション