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RABBIT HUTCH first one man live ~Usagi Matsuri~ is the first video release released by RABBIT HUTCH.

It was released on March 22, 2020.

It was recorded on January 26, 2020 @DESEO mini with VILLAGE VANGUARD.


  1. Overture
  2. Rabi Hachi Matsuri da Wasshoishoi (ラビハチ祭だワッショイショイ; Rabi Hachi Festival Wasshoishoi)
  3. Hoshizora no Merry-Go-Round (星空のメリーゴーランド; Starry Sky Merry-Go-Round)
  4. Nonbiri Quest (のんびりクエスト; Carefree Quest)
  5. Natsuyasumi ni Koishiteru (夏休みに恋してる; I Love Summer Vacation)
  6. Saikou (さいこぅ; The Best)
  7. It's a Otome World (イッツァオトメワールド; It's a Little Girl's World)
  8. Comment Movie (コメントムービー)
  9. Pyon Pyon Pyon ( ぴょんぴょんぴょん; Hop Hop Hop)
  10. Thank you!
  11. Ponkotsu Onmitsu Saizensen (ぽんこつ隠密最前線; Useless Secret Frontline)
  12. Hatsukoi Revolution (初恋レボリューション; First Love Revolution)

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