rumania montevideo is an alternative rock band formed in 1998, originally conceived by the sibling duo Miyoshi Mami and Miyoshi Makoto. They made their debut in 1999 under GIZA studio.
In 2000, the three members aside from the Miyoshi siblings formed the band RAMJET PULLEY. The two bands were active concurrently until rumania montevideo stopped activities in 2002.
In 2019, the Miyoshi siblings reformed the band as a duo. Their activities now primarily consist of live performances and releasing original songs on YouTube.
Current Members[]
- Miyoshi Mami (三好真美) - Vocals/Lyrics (+ ex-Drums)
- Miyoshi Makoto (三好誠) - Vocals/Guitar/Lyrics
Former Members[]
- Mashima Kazunobu (間島和伸) - Guitar
- Makoshi Satomi (麻越さとみ) - Bass
- Matsuda Akiko (松田明子) - Saxophone/Keyboard
- [1999.06.16] rumaniamania
- [2000.01.26] Girl,girl,boy,girl,boy
- [2002.02.06] MO' BETTER TRACKS
Mini Albums[]
- [1999.01.30] jet plane
- [1999.03.29] sunny,cloudy,rain
- [1999.04.14] Still for your love
- [1999.09.15] Digital Music Power (デジタルミュージックパワー)
- [1999.11.03] picnic
- [2000.01.10] Koi Suru Betty (恋するベティー)
- [2000.08.23] start all over again
- [2001.04.25] HARD RAIN
- [2001.12.12] tender rain