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SPARKLE is the sixth studio album released by miwa through Sony Music Labels on February 23, 2022.

Product Information[]

  • Limited Edition A
    • CD+Blu-ray+Booklet
    • SRCL-12054~12055
    • 6,100 JPY (tax in)
  • Limited Edition B
    • CD+Blu-ray
    • SRCL-12056~12057
    • 5,500 JPY (tax in)
  • Regular Edition
    • CD only
    • SRCL-12058
    • 3,300 JPY (tax in)



  1. Sparkle - 2:55
  2. CLEAR - 3:17
  3. Reboot - 4:03
  4. UUU - 3:47
  5. DAITAN! - 3:25
  6. Teenage Dream - 3:54
  7. Holiday - 3:22
  8. Aye - 3:18
  9. Ai wo Tou - 3:46
  10. Storyteller - 3:49
  11. KANNA - 4:47
  12. Kimi no Koe ga - 3:19
  13. Who I Am (Album Version) - 4:12

Limited Edition A Blu-ray[]

  • miwa Billboard Live Tour 2021 "miwa CLASSIC"
    1. Delight
    2. friend - Kimi ga Waraeba (friend ~君が笑えば~)
    3. Ai wo Tou (アイヲトウ)
    4. Minna de Otanoshimi ni Medley (みんなでお楽しみにメドレー)
    5. Gesshoku - winter moon (月食 ~winter moon~)
    6. Kataomoi (片想い)
    7. Otoshimono (オトシモノ)
    8. Faith
    9. Hikari e (ヒカリヘ)
    10. KANNA (神無-KANNA-)

Limited Edition B Blu-ray[]

  • miwa clips vol.3
    1. Princess
    2. Yui (結 -ゆい-)
    3. Shiny (シャイニー)
    4. Update (アップデート)
    5. Title (タイトル)
    6. RUN FUN RUN
    7. Reboot (リブート)
    8. Storyteller
    9. Teenage Dream (ティーンエイジドリーム)
    10. DAITAN!
    11. KANNA (神無-KANNA-)
    12. Ai wo Tou (アイヲトウ)
    13. Sparkle
    14. Sparkle (Making Video)


