SQUALL is Matsuda Seiko's first studio album.
The album has been re-released several times over the past 30 years.
Side A[]
- ~Minami Taihei yo~ Sanba no Kaori (~南太平洋~ サンバの香り; ~The Scent of the South Pacific's Samba~)
- BLUE ANGEL (ブルーエンジェル)
- SQUALL (スコール)
- TROPICAL HERO (トロピカル・ヒーロー)
- Hadashi no Kisetsu (裸足の季節; Barefoot Season)
Side B[]
- ROCK 'N' ROLL ・DAYDREAM (ロックンロール・デイドリーム)
- COOL GANG (クールギャング)
- Aoi Sangoshou (青い珊瑚礁; Blue Lagoon)
- Kyu Gatsu no Yugure (九月の夕暮れ; A September Evening)
- Shosai (潮騒; Sound of the Waves)