STAY is the 12th album released by Asaka Yui.
It was released on February 26, 1992.
Album Information[]
- Catalog Number:
- CD: HBCL-8009
- Cassette: HBTL-8009
- Lyrics:
- Track 1 and 10: Asaka Yui (浅香唯)
- Track 2 and 3: Matsumoto Takashi (松本隆)
- Track 4 and 7: Mori Yukinojo (森雪之丞)
- Track 5: Kawada Tamaki (川田多摩喜)
- Track 6: Hiramatsu Eri (平松愛理)
- Track 8: Suzanne Vega and Kawada Tamaki
- Track 9: Hara Yuko (原由子)
- Composition:
- Track 1 and 4: Kato Kazuhiko (加藤和彦)
- Track 2, 3, and 10: Omori Takashi (大森隆志)
- Track 5: コシミハル (コシミハル)
- Track 6: Hiramatsu Eri
- Track 7: Takahashi Yukihiro (高橋幸宏)
- Track 8: Suzanne Vega
- Track 9: Hara Yuko
- Arrangement:
- Track 1, 4, 6, and 9: Kato Kazuhiko
- Track 2, 3, 8, and 10: Omori Takashi
- Track 5 and 7: コシミハル
- Stay with me
- Yuujou (友情; Friendship)
- Itoshii Hito to Nemuritai (愛しい人と眠りたい; I Want to Sleep with My Beloved)
- Kyuujitsu, Hidamari no Kitchen de (休日、ひだまりのキッチンで; Holiday, in the Sunny Spot in the Kitchen)
- Tomodachi ni Modorou (友達に戻ろう; Let's Be Friends Again)
- Anata wo Wasurenai (あなたを忘れない; I'll Never Forget You)
- Luka (ルカ)
- Kuroi Tori (黒い鳥; Black Bird)
- Rhythm of Universe