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Sakura Gakuin 2011 Nendo ~FRIENDS~ is the second album released by Sakura Gakuin.

It is the last album to feature the third year students: Muto Ayami, Miyoshi Ayaka, and Matsui Airi.

Album Information[]

  • Catalog Number:
    • UPCH-1866 (Regular Edition)
    • UPCH-9724 (Limited SA Edition)
    • UPCH-9725 (Limited KU Edition)
    • UPCH-9726 (Limited RA Edition)



  1. Verishuvi (ベリシュビッッ)
  3. Please! Please! Please! (プリーズ!プリーズ!プリーズ!) (Twinklestars)
  4. Rapicamu (ラピカム) (Twinklestars)
  5. Hashire Shoujiki Mono (走れ正直者; Run, Honest Person) (sleepiece)
  6. Yokubari Feuille (よくばりフィーユ; Greedy Feuille) (Minipati)
  7. Iine! (Vega Mix Version) (いいね!; It's Good, Isn't It!) (BABYMETAL)
  8. Otome Gokoro. (オトメゴコロ。; Feelings of Young Girls.)
  9. Pictogram (ピクトグラム)
  10. 3.a.m (By the third year students: Muto Ayami, Miyoshi Ayaka, Matsui Airi)
  11. See you...
  12. Tabidachi no Hi ni (旅立ちの日に; On The Day of Departure)

Limited SA DVD[]

  1. Verishuvi (Music Video)
  2. Sakura Gakuin 2011 Nendo Mekiuchi Gakunen Matsu Test (さくら学院 2011年度 抜き打ち学年末テスト; Sakura Gakuin Unannounced End of the School Year Test)
  3. Sakura Gakuin "Muto Ayami no Heya" (さくら学院 “武藤彩未の部屋”; Sakura Gakuin "Muto Ayami's Room")
  4. Team Ayaka - Shinri Test ~Honto no Otome Gokoro.~ (心理テスト ~本当のオトメゴコロ。~; Psychological Test ~The Real Feelings of Young Girls~)
  5. Tokuten Eizou (特典映像; Bonus Video)

Limited KU DVD[]

  1. Tabidachi no Hi ni (Music Video)
  2. Drama "Akogare no FRIENDS ~ Mizuno Yui no Yuuutsu~" (ドラマ「憧れのFRIENDS ~水野由結の憂鬱~」; Drama "The Yearning for Friends ~ Mizuno Yui's Melancholy")
  3. Drama "Akogare no FRIENDS ~ Muto Ayami no Yabou" (ドラマ「憧れのFRIENDS ~武藤彩未の野望~」; Drama "Yearning for FRIENDS ~ Muto Ayami's Ambition")
  4. Sakura Gakuin "Matsui Airi no Heya" (さくら学院 “松井愛莉の部屋”; Sakura Gakuin "Matsui Airi's Room")
  5. Team Ayami - Shinri Test ~Honto no Otome Gokoro.~
  6. Tokuten Eizou

Limited RA DVD[]

  1. FRIENDS (Music Video)
  2. "Pictogram" no Music Video wo Tsukurou! (「ピクトグラム」のミュージッククリップを作ろう!; Let's Make a "Pictogram" Music Video)
  3. Sakura Gakuin "Miyoshi Ayaka no Heya" (さくら学院 “三吉彩花の部屋”; Sakura Gakuin "Miyoshi Ayaka's Room")
  4. Team Airi - Shinri Test ~Hontou no Otome Gokoro.~
  5. Tokuten Eizou

Featured Members[]



External Links[]
