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Sakura Gakuin 2017 Nendo ~My Road~ is the eighth album released by Sakura Gakuin.

It was released on March 3, 2018.

It is the last album to feature third year students: Okada Megumi, Yamaide Aiko, and Okazaki Momoko.

Album Information[]

  • Catalog Number:
    • SGAL-0009 (Regular Edition)
    • SGAL-0007 (Limited Sakura Edition)
    • SGAL-0008 (Limited Gakuin Edition)



  1. Mezase! Super Lady (2017 Nendo) (目指せ!スーパーレディー; Aim! Super Lady)
  3. I・J・I
  4. Sleep Wonder (スリープワンダー)
  5. Capsule Scope
  6. Nee (ねぇ; Hey)
  7. Futari Kotoba (ふたりことば; Two Words) (Yamaide Aiko)
  8. Akindo ☆ Soul (あきんど☆魂; Shopkeeper ☆ Soul) (Koubaibu)
  9. Mirai Tokei (未来時計; Future Clock) (By the third year students: Okada Megumi, Yamaide Aiko, and Okazaki Momoko)
  10. Sayonara, Namida. (さよなら、涙。; Goodbye, Tears.)
  11. Magic Melody
  12. My Road
  13. message
  14. Yume ni Mukatte (夢に向かって; Go to the Dream)

Limited Edition Sakura Blu-ray[]

  1. My Road (Music Video)
  2. Otome Gokoro. (Live Video from 2017.11.18 Sakura Gakuin Matsuri☆2017) (オトメゴコロ。; Feelings of Young Girls.)
  3. Marshmallow Iro no Kimi to (Live Video from 2017.11.18 Sakura Gakuin Matsuri☆2017) (マシュマロ色の君と; With the Marshmallow-colored You)
  4. message (Live Video from 2017.11.18 Sakura Gakuin Matsuri☆2017)

Limited Edition Gakuin DVD[]

  1. Sakura Gakuin 2017 Nendo Gakunen Matsu Test ~Kotoshi mo Misemasu! Shichitenbattou no Juni Soudatsu-sen~ (さくら学院 2017年度 学年末テスト 〜今年も魅せます!七転八倒の順位争奪戦〜; Sakura Gakuin 2017 End of the School Year Test ~It Will be Attractive this Tear too! Battle for Rank~)

Featured Members[]



External Links[]
