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Sakura Gakuin Sai☆2018 is the 12th video release released by Sakura Gakuin.

It was released on February 14, 2019.

It was recorded on November 25, 2018 @Tokyo International Forum Hall C.

Video Release Information[]

  • Catalog Number:
    • SGDV-0015/16 (DVD)
    • SGBD-0007 (Blu-ray)


DVD 1[]

  1. Mezase! Super Lady -2018 Nendo- (目指せ!スーパーレディー -2018年度-; Aim! Super Lady -2018 School Year-)
  2. Verishuvi (ベリシュビッッ)
  3. Skit (Toki wo Kakeru Shintani (時をかける新谷; Shintani Over Time))
  4. Fairy tale
  5. Gokigen! Mr. Tropicalories (ご機嫌!Mr. トロピカロリー; Healthy! Mr. Tropicalories)
  7. C'est la vie (trico dolls)
  8. Melodic Solfège (メロディック・ソルフェージュ)
  9. 2018 Nendo Sakura Demy Joyuu Shou wa Dareda?! (2018年度 サクラデミー女優賞は誰だ?!; Who is the 2018 School Year Sakura Demy Actress Award?!)
  10. Otome Gokoro. (オトメゴコロ。; Feelings of Young Girls.)
  11. Heart no Hoshi (ハートの地球; Earth Heart)
  12. My Road
  13. Koubaibu "Sakura Gakuin Matsuri☆2018" Special Medley (購買部『さくら学院祭☆2018』スペシャル・メドレー) (Koubaibu)
  14. Yume ni Mukatte (夢に向かって; Go to the Dream)

DVD 2[]

Bonus Footage

  1. WONDERFUL JOURNEY @ 2018.09.29 "Sakura Gakuin Matsuri☆2018 ~Houkago Anthology Kouyou no Wonderful Night~" (「さくら学院☆2018 ~放課後アンソロジー 紅葉のワンダフル・ナイト~」; 2018.09.29 "Sakura Gakuin Festival☆2018 ~After School Anthology Autumn Leaves' Wonderful Night"~)
  2. Fairy tale @ 2018.09.29 "Sakura Gakuin Matsuri☆2018 ~Houkago Anthology Kouyou no Wonderful Night~"
  3. My Road @ 2018.09.29 "Sakura Gakuin Matsuri☆2018 ~Houkago Anthology Kouyou no Wonderful Night~"
  4. Yakusoku no Mirai (約束の未来; Future of Promise) @ 2018.09.29 "Sakura Gakuin Matsuri☆2018 ~Houkago Anthology Kouyou no Wonderful Night~"
  5. 2018 Nendo Sakura Demy Joyuu Shou wa Dareda?! (Selection Audition)


  1. Mezase! Super Lady -2018 Nendo-
  2. Verishuvi
  3. Skit (Toki wo Kakeru Shintani)
  4. Fairy tale
  5. Gokigen! Mr. Tropicalories
  7. C'est la vie (trico dolls)
  8. Melodic Solfège
  9. 2018 Nendo Sakura Demy Joyuu Shou wa Dareda?!
  10. Otome Gokoro.
  11. Heart no Hoshi
  12. My Road
  13. Koubaibu "Sakura Gakuin Matsuri☆2018" Special Medley (Koubaibu)
  14. Yume ni Mukatte
    Bonus Footage
  15. WONDERFUL JOURNEY @ 2018.09.29 "Sakura Gakuin Matsuri☆2018 ~Houkago Anthology Kouyou no Wonderful Night~"
  16. Fairy tale @ 2018.09.29 "Sakura Gakuin Matsuri☆2018 ~Houkago Anthology Kouyou no Wonderful Night~"
  17. My Road @ 2018.09.29 "Sakura Gakuin Matsuri☆2018 ~Houkago Anthology Kouyou no Wonderful Night~"
  18. Yakusoku no Mirai (約束の未来; Future of Promise) @ 2018.09.29 "Sakura Gakuin Matsuri☆2018 ~Houkago Anthology Kouyou no Wonderful Night~"
  19. 2018 Nendo Sakura Demy Joyuu Shou wa Dareda?! (Selection Audition)

Featured Members[]


External Links[]
