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Sakurada Junko Thanks 40 ~ Aoi Tori Tachi e is the third box set released by Sakurada Junko.

It was released on October 23, 2013.

Box Set Information[]

  • Catalog Number: VIZL-568


CD 1[]

  1. Tenshi mo Yume Miru (天使も夢みる; Even Angels Dream)
  2. Watashi no Aoi Tori (わたしの青い鳥; My Blue Bird)
  3. Hana Monogatari (花物語; Flower Story)
  4. Sanshoku Sumire (三色すみれ; Three Violet Colors)
  5. Kiiroi Ribbon (黄色いリボン; Yellow Ribbon)
  6. Hana Uranai (花占い; Flower Fortune Telling)
  7. Hajimete no Dekigoto (はじめての出来事; First Time it Happened)
  8. Hitori Aruki (ひとり歩き; Walking Alone)
  9. Juushichi no Natsu (十七の夏; Seventeen Summers)
  10. Tenshi no Kuchibiru (天使のくちびる; Angel Lips)
  11. Yureteru Watashi (ゆれてる私; I'm Shaking)
  12. Nakanai wa (泣かないわ; I Won't Cry)
  13. Natsu ni Goyoujin (夏にご用心; Beware of Summer)
  14. Nee! Ki ga Tsuite yo (ねえ!気がついてよ; Hey! Pay Attention)
  15. Mou Ichido Dake Furimuite (もう一度だけふり向いて; Turn Around Just One More Time)
  16. Sexy Gang (セクシー・ギャング)
  17. Anata no Subete (あなたのすべて; All of You)
  18. Kimagure Venus (気まぐれヴィーナス; Whimsical Venus)
  19. Santa Monica no Kaze (サンタモニカの風; Santa Monica Wind)

CD 2[]

  1. Lipstick (リップスティック)
  2. LADY
  3. Watashi wa Okubyoumono (私は臆病者; I'm a Coward)
  4. This is a "Boogie"
  5. Party is Over (パーティー・イズ・オーバー)
  6. Mayuzukiyo (眉月夜; Crescent Moonlight Night)
  7. Oikakete Yokohama (追いかけてヨコハマ; Chase Yokohama)
  8. Jidai (時代; Era)
  9. Ichimai no E (一枚の絵; One Picture)
  10. Sentimental Boy (センチメンタル・ボーイ)
  11. Koi ni Yakimoki (恋にやきもき; Anxious for Love)
  12. Anata wa Majutsushi (あなたは魔術師; You're a Magician)
  13. Yuunagi (夕なぎ; Evening Rays)
  14. Shiawase Shibai (しあわせ芝居; Happy Play)
  15. Cosmos (秋桜)
  16. Good Luck & Goodbye (グッド・ラック&グッドバイ)
  17. 20 Sai ni Nareba (20才になれば; When You Turn 20)
  18. Keshou (化粧; Makeup)
  19. Misty (ミスティー)
  20. Watashi Dake no Wedding (私だけのウェディング; My Own Wedding)


  1. Tenshi mo Yume Miru (Promotional Video 1)
  2. Tenshi mo Yume Miru (Promotional Video 2)
  3. Tenshi no Hatsukoi (Promotional Video)
  4. Hitosashiyubi de Miryou (ひとさし指で魅了; Charm With Your Index Finger)
  5. Hana Monogatari (1973.11.03)
  6. Sanshoku Sumire (1974.04.13)
  7. Kiiroi Ribbon (1974.06.22)
  8. Hana Uranai (1974.08.24)
  9. Hana Uranai (1974.10.26)
  10. Hajimete no Dekigoto (1975.02.08)
  11. Hitori Aruki (1975.05.20)
  12. Juushichi no Natsu (1975.06.07)
  13. Juushichi no Natsu (1975.06.24)
  14. Juushichi no Natsu (1975.08.05)
  15. Yureteru Watashi (1976.10.14)
  16. Nakanai wa (1976.02.28)
  17. Natsu ni Goyoujin (1976.06.05)
  18. Nee! Ki ga Tsuite yo (1976.09.04)
  19. Mou Ichido Dake Furimuite (1976.11.20)
  20. Mou Ichido Dake Furimuite (1976.12.25)
  21. Anata no Subete (1977.03.05)
  22. Anata no Subete (1977.04.13)
  23. Kimagure Venus (1977.05.19)
  24. Kimagure Venus (1977.06.15)
  25. Kimagure Venus (1977.06.18)
  26. Mou Modorenai (1977.09.10)
  27. Shiawase Shibai (1977.11.10)
  28. Shiawase Shibai (1977.12.24)
  29. Shiawase Shibai (1978.02.08)
  30. Oikakete Yokohama (1978.03.18)
  31. Lipstick (1978.06.01)
  32. 20 Sai ni Nareba (1978.09.02)
  33. 20 Sai ni Nareba (1978.11.30)
  34. Fuyuiro no Machi (1978.12.09)
  35. Santa Monica no Kaze (1979.03.03)
  36. MISS KISS (1979.05.19)
  37. MISS KISS (1979.06.21)
  38. Party is Over (1979.09.01)
  39. LADY (1979.11.24)
  40. LADY (1979.12.06)
  41. LADY (1980.02.23)
  42. Utsukushii Natsu (1980.04.19)
  43. Yuugure wa Love Song (夕暮れはラブ・ソング; Dusk is a Love Song) (1980.07.19)
  44. Yuugure wa Love Song (1980.09.13)
  45. Keshou (1981.01.03)
  46. Keshou (1981.03.28)
  47. Keshou (1981.04.11)
  48. Misty (1981.07.11)
  49. Misty (1981.08.15)
  50. This is a "Boogie" (1981.09.26)
  51. This is a "Boogie" (1981.10.15)
  52. This is a "Boogie" (1981.12.05)
  53. Mado (窓; Window) (1982.09.12)