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Sakurada Junko Zenkyokushuu BEST ONE is the 28th best album released by Sakurada Junko.

It was released in October 1983.

Best Album Information[]

  • Catalog Number: VCH-1878


  1. Tenshi mo Yume Miru (天使も夢みる; Even Angels Dream)
  2. Tenshi no Hatsukoi (天使の初恋; Angel's First Love)
  3. Watashi no Aoi Tori (わたしの青い鳥; My Blue Bird)
  4. Hana Monogatari (花物語; Flower Story)
  5. Kiiroi Ribbon (黄色いリボン; Yellow Ribbon)
  6. Hana Uranai (花占い; Flower Fortune Telling)
  7. Hajimete no Dekigoto (はじめての出来事; First Time it Happened)
  8. Natsu ni Goyoujin (夏にご用心; Beware of Summer)
  9. Shiawase Shibai (しあわせ芝居; Happy Play)
  10. Oikakete Yokohama (追いかけてヨコハマ; Chase Yokohama)
  11. Lipstick (リップスティック)
  12. 20 Sai ni Nareba (20才になれば; When You Turn 20)
  13. Santa Monica no Kaze (サンタモニカの風; Santa Monica Wind)
  14. Keshou (化粧; Makeup)
  15. Mado (窓; Window)
  16. Mayuzukiyo (眉月夜; Crescent Moonlight Night)