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Sato Shori (佐藤勝利) is a male singer, actor, talent, and idol from Tokyo. He is affiliated with Johnny & Associates and is a member of Sexy Zone. His member color is red.


  • On October 30, 2010, he passed the audition and joined Johnny's Office.[2]
  • On September 29, 2011, along with the formation of Sexy Zone, it was announced that they would make their CD debut in November.[3]
  • On April 7, 2012, he ran the Ford Island Bridge Run on Oahu, Hawaii, with a time of 42:42.04.[4]
  • On October 5, 2013, he starred in a serial drama for the first time in the Nippon TV drama 49.
  • On July 29, 2014, he held his first solo concert at EX Theater Roppongi.[5] An additional performance was held on August 11.[6]
  • On March 4, 2017, Bring on the Melody!, which is his first movie appearance and first lead role, was released.
  • On October 6, 2017, his first solo regular radio program "VICTORY ROADS" (bayfm) began broadcasting.[7]
  • On November 1, 2019, Black School Rules, in which he plays the lead role, was released.[8]
  • On January 4, 2021, his regular appearance on Fuji TV series VS Damashii has started.[9] The program was renamed to "VS Damashii Gradation" from the broadcast on April 28, 2022.[10]
  • In September 2021, he played the lead role for the first time on stage in Brighton Beach Memoirs.[11]


See also: Sexy Zone Discography

Recorded solo songs[]

  • [2013.10.09] "Onnaji Sora no Shita" (おなじ空の下; Under the Same Sky) from the single "Bye Bye Dubai 〜See you again〜 / A MY GIRL FRIEND"
  • [2014.10.01] "Hachidori" from the single "Otoko never give up"
  • [2015.03.11] "Sukidayo" (好きだよ; I Like You) from the album Sexy Power3
  • [2015.03.11] "Mada Minu Keshiki" (まだ見ぬ景色; Still Unseen Scenery) from the album Sexy Power3
  • [2015.07.01] "Ikiteyo" (生きてよ; Live!) from the single "Cha-Cha-Cha Champion"
  • [2015.12.16] "Everyday love you" from the single "Colorful Eyes"
  • [2016.02.24] "Last winter's night" from the album Welcome to Sexy Zone
  • [2016.11.16] "Why?" from the album Sexy Zone 5th Anniversary Best
  • [2017.09.06] "Sunshinesmile" from the DVD & Blu-ray Sexy Zone Presents Sexy Tour 2017〜STAGE
  • [2018.02.14] "Kiss You Good-Bye" from the album XYZ=repainting
  • [2019.03.13] "Fuukeiga" (風景画; Landscape Painting) from the album PAGES
  • [2020.02.05] "Show must go on" from the album POP×STEP!?
  • [2023.06.07] "Ame ni Utaeba" (雨に唄えば; Singing in the Rain) from the album Chapter II

Unrecorded solo songs[]

  • Black/White

Written songs[]

  • [2012.10.03] "Kimi no Tame Boku ga Iru" (キミのため ボクがいる; I'm Here for You) from the single "Sexy Summer ni Yuki ga Furu"
  • [2012.11.14] "Kimi wo Hanasanai Kimi wo Hanarenai" (きみを離さない きみを離れない; I Won't Let You Go I Can't Let You Go) from the album one Sexy Zone


  • Year-end Young East-West Singing Battle! East-West Jr. Selection 2010! (年末ヤング東西歌合戦! 東西Jr.選抜大集合2010! Nenmatsu Young Tozai Utagassen! Tozai Jr. Senbatsu Daishugo 2010!) on November 26-27, 2010 at the NHK Hall
  • Hey! Say! JUMP Sayonara Summer Vacation! SUMMARY Special (Hey! Say! JUMP さよなら夏休み! SUMMARYスペシャル) on September 24-25, 2011 at the Tokyo Dome
  • Maijani Concert Vol.1 (まいジャニコンサート Vol.1) on March 2-3, 2013 at the Orix Theater - Guest
  • Gamushara J's Party!! Vol.1 (ガムシャラ J's Party !! Vol.1) on February 1-2, 2014 at the EX Theater Roppongi - Support
  • Summer Festival Special Event Sato Shori Solo Concert (夏祭りスペシャルイベント 佐藤勝利 ソロコンサート) on July 29 and August 11, 2014 at the EX Theater Roppongi in Tokyo
  • Sexy Zone A.B.C-Z Summer Paradise in TDC "Shori Summer Concert" on August 11-14, 2015 at the TOKYO DOME CITY HALL
  • Johnnys' Summer Paradise 2016 "Sato Shori Summer Live 2016" on August 18 and 21-29, 2016 at the TOKYO DOME CITY HALL
  • Summer Paradise 2017 "Sato Shori summer live 2017 VIC's sTORY" on August 10-15, 2017 at the TOKYO DOME CITY HALL


  • "Real Scope" Special Event Sexy Zone Sato Shori with Johnny's Jr. in Odaiba United States 2013 on August 21, 2013[12]
  • 34th Mynavi Tokyo Girls Collection 2022 SPRING/SUMMER on March 22, 2022[13]
  • 35th Mynavi Tokyo Girls Collection 2022 AUTUMN/WINTER on September 3, 2022[14]


  • He is the center of Sexy Zone.[15]
  • Although he had been scouted twice before entering the entertainment world, he was reluctant at the time.[16] On the day of the audition, he was planning a birthday party with a friend, and was debating whether to celebrate his birthday or audition, but his mother said it was a good opportunity, so he decided to attend the audition.[16]
  • He has a sister who is 9 years older than him, and two brothers who are 7 years older and 5 years older than him.[17] His father passed away due to illness in 2016 at the age of 57.[18]
  • The name "Shori" was given by his father. Although his father was not able to attend the birth of his three older children, he was able to attend Sato's birth for the first time. At that time, he thought, "Just having a baby is a victory", which is why he was named "Shori" (勝利; Victory)[17]
  • He likes comedy and is on good terms with Takumi Goto and they go out to eat together.[19]
  • He and Kishi Yuta from King & Prince is close in age and admission date.[20] They are close friends.[21] They are called "Champion Duo" from the initials of their names, "優勝" (Yusho) means "winning".[20]
  • When he was in junior high school, he belonged to the track and field club and was the president.[22] He is good at long-distance running, and won first place in the marathon division at the "Johnny's Jr. Baseball Tournament Spring 2012" held on March 18, 2012.[23] He competed in the Ford Island Bridge Run, a 10km marathon held on April 7, 2012, and placed 5th in the boys 15-19 age division.[4]
  • He was not good at swimming, but in 2019 he overcame it through the project of the TV program Aoharu TV and became able to swim.[24]
  • He loved music from an early age because his parents used to listen to black music and the Beatles.[25] When he was about 19 years old, he wanted to create his own color.[26] In 2015, he was shocked by Paul McCartney's performance in Japan and started playing the guitar.[27] He showed off his guitar skills on music programs and concerts.[28][29] He also learned to play the horn after appearing in the movie Haruchika.[30]
  • He and Snow Man's Fukazawa Tatsuya are from the same hometown and are junior high school seniors.[31]
  • Kyomoto Taiga and Matsumura Hokuto of SixTONES are his seniors in high school.[32][33]



  1. 佐藤勝利が映画単独主演、キンプリ高橋海人と初共演
  2. セクシーさ売りにジャニーズに新ユニット
  3. Sexy Zone気合、バレー11月開幕
  4. 4.0 4.1 Sexy Zone 佐藤勝利 10キロマラソンで5位入賞
  5. Sexy Zone佐藤勝利、ソロコンサートで見せた「個の表現」 メンバー流動化の行方は?
  6. セクゾ佐藤勝利、初ソロライブ!SMAP「SHAKE」など熱唱 - スポニチ Sponichi Annex 芸能
  7. Sexy Zone佐藤勝利、ラジオ初単独レギュラー決定 - モデルプレス
  8. 佐藤勝利、映画単独初主演! キンプリ高橋海人と“令和版「野ブタ。をプロデュース」”に挑む : 映画ニュース
  9. フジ『VS魂』相葉雅紀支える新レギュラーに風間俊介、佐藤勝利、藤井流星、岸優太、浮所飛貴が決定!
  10. 『VS魂 グラデーション』2時間SP放送 相葉雅紀、風間俊介ら6人が“並び替えゲーム”でゲストと対決
  11. 9月18日から上演の佐藤勝利(Sexy Zone)初単独主演舞台『ブライトン・ビーチ回顧録』メインビジュアル解禁!8月21日より東京公演チケット一般発売スタート! - SCREEN ONLINE(スクリーンオンライン)
  12. 佐藤勝利(Sexy Zone)とジャニーズJr.のスペシャルイベント決定!
  13. 佐藤勝利、初TGCでの歓声にぼやき?「カッコいいって言われたい」
  14. Sexy Zone・佐藤勝利、中島健人&菊池風磨からのプレゼント告白 後輩の美 少年は「かわいい」<TGC>
  15. Sexy Zoneメンバー分析 第1回:佐藤勝利、センターとして燃やす静かな闘志 グループ支える豊かな感受性の持ち主
  16. 16.0 16.1 “セクゾ佐藤 デビューのきっかけを告白 「やりたくない」も母親が「チャレンジしても」と思ったワケ”
  17. 17.0 17.1 “セクゾ佐藤 6年前に他界した父への思い「車椅子の姿が凄く印象に」「バレないように泣いて」”
  18. “セクゾ佐藤勝利 セリフで涙の事実告白「父さん、死んじゃったんだよ」”
  19. セクゾ佐藤勝利の意外な交友 四千頭身・後藤に粋なメッセージ
  20. 20.0 20.1 TOKIO 国分×V6 井ノ原、NEWS 加藤×関ジャニ∞ 丸山、Sexy Zone 佐藤×King & Prince 岸……グループ越えた同世代コンビ
  21. 佐藤勝利、仕事への姿勢を“親友”岸優太が尊敬「頭が上がらない」
  22. ゲストは…Sexy Zoneの佐藤勝利さんと菊池風磨さん
  23. Sexy Zone旋風で堂々2冠!“乱闘”騒ぎにファンも…
  24. SexyZone佐藤勝利、カナヅチ克服でイルカと水泳「子どもたちに夢を」
  25. 【Sexy Zone 佐藤勝利】心が“ときめく”ものは? エンタメへの情熱を語る
  26. SexyZone佐藤勝利、コスメブランドCMキャラクターに起用 “アイデンティティ”のギターを初披露
  27. セクゾ佐藤勝利、移動中もアコギ きっかけはポール・マッカートニー
  28. Sexy Zone&ジャニーズWESTが新曲披露!東山紀之プロデュース企画もスタート
  29. まっすぐ、熱く、美しく。『佐藤勝利 Summer Live 2016』(杉谷伸子) - 個人
  30. “10周年”SexyZone、ソロ活動をおさらい 多彩なジャンルで頭角を現す【後編】
  31. スターティングメンバー発表!今後このメンバーでゲームしていきます!
  32. SixTONES京本大我、学生時代の“嘘”告白「仕事じゃなくて家にいた」
  33. Sexy Zone佐藤勝利、“高校の先輩”SixTONES松村北斗の一面明かす「学校の時も踊ってくださいよ!」

External Links[]
