Shizuka no Concert '92 "Koe wo Kikasete" is the sixth video release released by Kudo Shizuka.
It was released on September 16, 1992.
It was recorded in 1992 @NHK Hall.
Video Release Information[]
- Catalog Number:
- VHS: PCVP-50987
- Laser Disc: PCLP-00375
- Prologue ~ Daite Kuretara Ii no n (プロローグ 〜 抱いてくれたらいいのに; Prologue ~ I Wish You Could Hold Me)
- Ai ga Itai Yoru (愛が痛い夜; A Night When Love Hurts)
- Boyaboya de Kinai (ぼやぼやできない; I Can't Do It in a Blur)
- Kousa ni Fukarete (黄砂に吹かれて; Blown by Yellow Sand)
- Anata no Inai Fuukei (あなたのいない風景; Scenery Without You)
- my eyes
- Totemo Chiisana Shoushin (とても小さな傷心; Very Small Heartbreak)
- Futari ni Sasete (ふたりにさせて; I'll Leave You Two Alone)
- Arashi no Sugao (嵐の素顔; The True Face of the Storm)
- MOONLIGHT no Sei Janai (MOONLIGHTのせいじゃない; It's Not the MOONLIGHT's Fault)
- Kiseki no Shouzou (奇跡の肖像; Portrait of a Miracle)
- Mysterious (ミステリアス)
- Koi Hitoyo (恋一夜; One Night in Love)
- Sunao ni Itte (素直に言って; Be Honest)
- Suterareta Neko janaikara (捨てられた猫じゃないから; I'm Not an Abandoned Cat)
- Metamorphose (メタモルフォーゼ)
- Kiri no Kanata e (霧の彼方へ; Beyond the Fog)
- Kindan no Telepathy ~ Kuchibiru Kara Biyaku ~ FU-JI-TSU ~ Again (禁断のテレパシー 〜 くちびるから媚薬 〜 FU-JI-TSU 〜 Again; Forbidden Telepathy ~ Aphrodisiac Lips ~ FU-JI-TSU ~ Again)
- Urahara (うらはら; Contrary)
- Mechakucha ni Naite Shimaitai (めちゃくちゃに泣いてしまいたい; I Want to Cry so Badly)
- MUGO.N...Iroppoi (MUGO・ん・・・色っぽい; MUGO.mmm...Sexy)
- News no Naka no Seishun (ニュースの中の青春; Youth in the News)
- Koe wo Kikasete (声を聴かせて; Let Me Hear Your Voice)