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Jpop Wiki

Slime Girls (スライムガールズ) is a trainee unit under Alice Project formed in 2013. They are considered the first group that complete beginners go into who have had no past experience singing or in the entertainment industry. They are called "Slime" as in the lowest level monster in most RPG games.

Since Slime Girls is a trainee group, they aren't promoted as heavily as the Kamen Joshi groups. In some cases, it's hard to keep track of member line up changes. It's also unknown if they have any group songs or if they just use the songs in other groups performances.

After a period of inactivity the group had been made active again with an addition of 5 members.


Current Members[]

  • Kamishiro Runa (神代月) (Joined September 26, 2021; Graduating September 2023)
  • Sakura Ryoko (紗儚涼子)
  • Yagami Mone (八神最音) (Joining August 13, 2023)

Former Members[]


External Links[]
