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Sorano Aozora (空野青空) is a Japanese idol, a founding member of The Nyantokanyaru's and ARCANA PROJECT, and a former member of Vienolossi (until July 2013), (until Jan 2024) and ARCANA PROJECT (until June 2024).


  • Birthplace: Side 3 (A reference to the Gundam series).
  • Alias Name: Blue Comet (蒼い彗星) of Asia
  • Pilot Name: Aonya Sorano (appears at arcade game "Mobile Suit Gundam: Bonds of the Battlefield").
  • Tarot Card: The Wheel of Fortune.
  • Personality: cheerful icebreaker. she reckons herself as cheerful as typical Mexican.
  • Likes: She loves a lot of pop culture like female idols, Detective Conan, Gundam, Marvel characters, Yuru Chara and so on. She loves parrots as well which result in having a young cockatiel. She likes gaming device such as Sega Saturn and SNES with which she is familiar since her childhood.
  • Teammates:
    • She has a long term good relationship with a middle age male manager called 大佐 (tai-sa, Colonel) which is named after Bonds of the Battlefield. He is good at driving, photograph and making good relationship with others.
    • Since late 2019 she lives with a young cocktail called おつむ (otsumu) which means a head in Japanese and is named after his bald one. Later she welcomed another three new young cocktail called ごんぞう (gonzo), かめじろう (kamejiro) and もんじろう (monjiro).
  • Outfit: During her solo activity, every single or album has a newly built outfit (Referred to as a battle suit) which is named after a famous mobile suit which appears in Gundam. She also revealed that the special outfit for her 4th anniversary live is inspired by EFREET NACHT. Mid 2024 she revealed the new outfit called "Maiden Alfa" which represents her birth star.
  • Agency: She and her manager joined DEARSTAGE to be under 2 agencies (other agency is LLC). On 29 June 2024, she was forced to terminate the agency agreement with DEARSTAGE due to some incomprehensible and unfair actions taken by them which lead her to withdraw from ARCANA PROJECT and back to Z-RHS LLC.
  • Related Activities: Since 2016, She regularly appears at monthly ad campaign by Hokuriku Asahi Broadcasting which establishes YouTube channel to keep CM archive. Her love for Anime leads her to join 月刊 アニ愛でるTV where female artists talk freely about favorite TV animation. She appears at monthly arcade game show featuring "Mobile Suit Gundam: Bonds of the Battlefield (機動戦士ガンダム戦場の絆)" as well. She began to appear at Comic Market as circle attendance since 2019 summer. Furthermore she has announced that she joined DS Gaming Team to participate in eSport tournament. It has been announced that she will appear at Series 9 of Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories as the voice actress. On 2022 May, she is officially appointed by Bandai Namuco as the ambassador of Ace Combat.
  • YouTube Activities: In addition to the official one where many live movies are uploaded, she has a personal one as a YouTuber. She belongs to another YouTuber group formed by the members of as well.
  • Profile: After working as a solo artist in her hometown Toyama, she joined She loves Gundam, anime songs, and radio wave songs. She is a cheerful and energetic mood maker.
  • Produce: She has been appointed as the official designer and the interior producer for the sub-culture bar "Laplace's Box" which is located in Kawasaki and managed by her agency LLC.



  1. [2018.01.31] Beginning


  1. [2016.09.05] Kirakira Aozora (キラキラアオゾラ; Sparkling Blue Sky)
  2. [2017.02.15] Cho, Chocho, Cho, Chocolate!! (ちょ、ちょちょ、ちょ、ちょーこれいと!!)
  3. [2017.09.13] 3×The Ride (3×ザ・ライド)
  4. [2018.06.20] WA ni Natte, Berry Choco Step! (WAになって、ベリチョコステップ!; Become WA, Berry Choco Step!)
  5. [2019.02.20] My name is IDOL
  6. [2019.07.10] Chousoku / Gorilla (超速 / Gorilla; Super Fast / Gorilla)

Digital Singles[]

  1. [2018.05.05] Natsu no Mahou (夏の魔法; Summer Magic)
  2. [2018.12.25] Melty Snow
  3. [2019.10.27] Soushin Funou Emotion (送信不能エモーション; Untransmittable Emotion)
  4. [2024.9.22] Azure Summer Sky (ナツゾラノアオ)
  5. [2025.1.1] ODORE!! (published at YT

Video Releases[]

  1. Nyan Nyan Festival 2018 (にゃんにゃんフェスティバル2018
  3. Aoneko School Festival (アオネコ学園祭)

Discography Featured In[]



The Nyantokanyaru's[]



Mini Albums[]

  • Dempa Akkashikku Record


Digital Singles[]


  • She is one of the official cosplayers for the character "Kanon", from Amitan Musume.[1]



External Links[]
