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Sotsugyou SPRING Concert Sailing Yume Kojou is the sixth video release released by Onyanko Club.

It was released on May 15, 1987.

It was recorded on April 4-5, 1987 @Yoyogi National Gymnasium.

Video Release Information[]

  • Catalog Number:
    • V98M1487 (VHS)
    • G88M0195 (Laser Disc)


  2. Shin Shin Kaiin Bangou no Uta (新・新会員番号の唄 The New New Member Number Song)
  3. White Rabbit Kara no Message (ホワイトラビットからのメッセージ; The White Rabbit's Message) (By Watanabe Marina)
  4. 20 Sai (20歳; 20-Year-Old) (By Utsumi Kazuko)
  5. Ame no Merry-Go-Round (雨のメリーゴーランド; Rainy Merry-Go-Round)
  6. Ryuuhyou no Tegami (流氷の手紙; The Drift Ice's Letter) (By Jounouchi Sanae)
  7. Hoshi no Ballerina (星のバレリーナ; Ballerina in the Stars)
  8. Tenshi no Bodyguard (天使のボディーガード; Angel Bodyguard) (By Iwai Yukiko)
  9. Kagerou (かげろう; Mayfly) (By Takai Mamiko)
  10. Watashi wa Rika-chan (私は里歌ちゃん; I Am Rika-chan) (By Nyangilas)
  11. Hitomi ni Yakusoku (瞳に約束; A Promise in My Eyes) (By Watanabe Minayo)
  12. Ano Natsu no Bike (あの夏のバイク; That Summer Bike) (By Kokusho Sayuri)
  13. Ushiroyubi Sasaregumi (うしろゆびさされ組; The Couple that Everybody Backbite) (By Ushiroyubi Sasaregumi)
  14. Kashiko (かしこ; Respectfully Yours) (By Ushiroyubi Sasaregumi)
  15. Anata Dake Oyasumi Nasai (あなただけおやすみなさい; Good Night to Only You)
  16. Hitomi no Tobira (瞳の扉; The Door of My Eyes)
  17. Jaa Ne (じゃあね; See Ya)

Featured Members[]
