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Suda Masaki LIVE TOUR "Quiet Journey" in Nippon Budokan 2023.02.14 is the third video release released by Suda Masaki. It includes his first and largest Nippon Budokan performance held on February 14, 2023, as an additional performance of SUDA MASAKI LIVE TOUR "Quiet Journey", which was his first tour in three years. It was released on May 17, 2023.


  1. Quiet Journey (クワイエットジャーニー)
  2. Yudaneta Guitar (ゆだねたギター; Surrendered Guitar)
  3. Soft Vinyl Figure (ソフトビニールフィギア)
  4. Hachigatsu no Alien (八月のエイリアン; Alien in August)
  5. Ai to Unou (愛と右脳; Love and Right Brain)
  6. Living Dead (りびんぐでっど)
  7. Kiss dake de (キスだけで; Just a Kiss)
  8. Niji (虹; Rainbow)
  9. Last Scene (ラストシーン)
  10. Tsumoru Hanashi (つもる話; Accumulating Story)
  11. Guitar Usagi (ギターウサギ; Guitar Rabbit)
  12. Machigai Sagashi (まちがいさがし; Finding Fault)
  13. Interlude
  14. Mitakotomonai Keshiki (見たこともない景色; Never-Before-Seen Scenery)
  15. Madou Ito (惑う糸; Confusing Thread)
  17. Sayonara Elegy (さよならエレジー; Goodbye Elegy)
  18. Iindayo, Kitto (いいんだよ、きっと; It's Okay, I'm Sure)
  19. Utsukushii Ikimono (美しい生き物; Beautiful Creature)
  20. Quiet Journey
  21. Nichiyoubi yori no Shisha (日曜日よりの使者; Messenger from Sunday) (Guest: Creepy Nuts)
  22. Soundtrack (サントラ) (Guest: Creepy Nuts)
  23. Yurayura (ゆらゆら; Swaying)

