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Sugao no Mama de is the 13th album released by Minami Saori.

It was released on April 21, 1976.

Album Information[]

  • Catalog Number:
    • Vinyl: SOLL-215
    • Cassette: SKLB-86
    • CD: SRCL-2894
  • Lyrics:
    • Track 1 and 12: Cynthia (シンシア)
    • Track 2, 4, and 11: Arima Mieko (有馬三恵子)
    • Track 3 and 5-10: Nakasato Tsuzuru (中里綴)
  • Composition:
    • Track 1 and 12: Hagita Mitsuo (萩田光雄)
    • Track 2, 4, and 11: Umegaki Tatsushi (梅垣達志)
    • Track 3 and 5-10: Tayama Masamitsu (田山雅充)
  • Arrangement:
    • Track 1, 6, 8, 10, and 12: Hagita Mitsuo
    • Track 2, 4, and 11: Makaino Koji (馬飼野康二)
    • Track 3 and 7: Mizutani Kimio (水谷公生)
    • Track 5 and 9: Matsui Tadashige (松井忠重)


  1. Prologue Shiawase no Yokan (プロローグ 幸せの予感; Prologue Premonition of Happiness)
  2. Hatachi Banare (二十歳ばなれ; Twenty Year Old Experience)
  3. Naki Dashi Souna Sora Moyou (泣きだしそうな空模様; The Sky Looks Like It's About to Cry)
  4. Seishun no Kizuna (青春の絆; Bonds of Youth)
  5. Chikagoro Futari wa (近頃二人は; Recently the Two of Us)
  6. Kiga Mukeba Denwa Shite (気がむけば電話して; Call Me When You're Ready)
  7. Sugao no Mama de (素顔のままで; Just the Way You Are)
  8. Furimuita Asa (ふりむいた朝; The Morning I Turned Around)
  9. Ami Kake no Tebukuro (編みかけの手袋; Knitted Gloves)
  10. Hai ni Natta Tegami (灰になった手紙; Letter Reduced to Sshes)
  11. Kekkon Shigan (結婚志願; Marriage Proposal)
  12. Epilogue Michi e no Omoi (エピローグ 未知への想い; Epilogue Thoughts on the Unknown)