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supercell is the debut album by supercell. It was released on March 4, 2009, and peaked at #4 on the Oricon album chart.[1]

Album Information[]

  • Catalog Number:
    • MHCL-1493/5 (Regular Edition)
    • MHCL-1493/5 (Limited Edition)
  • All Lyrics: ryo
  • All Compositions: ryo
  • All Arrangements: ryo



  1. Koi wa Sensou (恋は戦争)
  2. Heartbreaker (ハートブレイカー)
  3. Melt (メルト)
  4. Black★Rock Shooter (ブラック★ロックシューター)
  5. Kuru Kuru Mark no Sugoi Yatsu (くるくるまーくのすごいやつ)
  6. Line (ライン)
  7. World is Mine (ワールドイズマイン)
  8. Hajimete no Koi ga Owaru Toki (初めての恋が終わる時)
  9. Usotsuki no Parade (嘘つきのパレード)
  10. Sono Ichibyou Slow Motion (その一秒 スローモーション)
  11. Hinekuremono (ひねくれ者)
  12. Mata ne (またね)

Limited Edition DVD[]

  1. Koi wa Sensou
  2. Koi wa Sensou (PV)
  3. World is Mine (PV)
  4. World is Mine (Jimaku Iri)
  5. Black★Rock Shooter (PV)
  6. Black★Rock Shooter (Jimaku Iri)
  7. Koi wa Sensou (Rough Sketch Slide Show)
  8. Melt (PV)
  9. Melt (Jimaku Iri)

