Tamura Chiaki (田村千秋) is a former second-generation member of Seifuku Koujo Iinkai, and the leader of its sub-unit, Kotobuki Tai. She joined around 1994, and withdrew in May 1996.
- Name: Tamura Chiaki (田村千秋)
- Birthday: April 3, 1977 (age 47)
- Zodiac: Capricorn
- Height: 168 cm (5 ft 6.1 in)?
- Seifuku Koujo Iinkai Generation: 2
Discography Featured In[]
Seifuku Koujou Iinkai[]
- [1994.12.19] Ai to Yuki no Omoiyari
- [1995.12.01] Atsui Chikyuu
- [1996.03.01] Otona wa Wakatte Kurenai
- [1996.07.01] Sayonara wa Deai no Ashita he no Shirushi
- [1993.03.03] Seifuku Sengen
- [1993.05.21] Kiyokuta Dashikuutsu Kushiku
- [1993.10.21] Egao ga Sukitsu!
- [1995.04.17] Ohayo! / Emerald no Densetsu
- [1995.04.17] Dokyusei
Kotobuki Tai[]
- [1995.10.01] Kotobuki 18-Ban Shobu