The Premium Best Iwasaki Yoshimi is the 18th best album released by Iwasaki Yoshimi.
It was released on November 21, 2012.
Best Album Information[]
- Catalog Number: PCCA-3745
CD 1[]
- Aka to Kuro (赤と黒; Red and Black)
- Suzukaze (涼風; Cool Breeze)
- Anata Iro no Manon (あなた色のマノン; Manon in Your Color)
- Shiki (四季; Four Seasons)
- Gomen ne Darling (ごめんねDarling; Sorry Darling)
- Vacance
- Keshou Nante Niawanai (化粧なんて似合わない; Makeup Doesn't Suit Me)
- Koi Hodo Sutekina Show wa Nai (恋ほど素敵なショーはない; There's No Better Show than Love)
- Last Dance ni wa Haya Sugiru (ラストダンスには早過ぎる; It's Too Early for the Last Dance)
- Tsuki no Hamabe (月の浜辺; Moon Beach)
- Ai wa Doko ni Itta no (愛はどこに行ったの; Where Did the Love Go?)
- Yokohama Headlight (ヨコハマHeadlight)
- Touch (タッチ)
- Ai ga Hitoribotchi (愛がひとりぼっち; Love is All Alone)
- Check! Check! Check! (チェッ!チェッ!チェッ!)
- Kimi ga Inakereba (君がいなければ; Without You)
CD 2[]
- Aka to Kuro (Instrumental)
- Suzukaze (Instrumental)
- Anata Iro no Manon (Instrumental)
- I THINK SO (Instrumental)
- Shiki (Instrumental)
- LA WOMAN (Instrumental)
- Gomen ne Darling (Instrumental)
- Vacance (Instrumental)
- Keshou Nante Niawanai (Instrumental)
- Koi Hodo Sutekina Show wa Nai (Instrumental)
- Last Dance ni wa Haya Sugiru (Instrumental)
- Tsuki no Hamabe (Instrumental)
- Ai wa Doko ni Itta no (Instrumental)
- Yokohama Headlight (Instrumental)
- Touch (Instrumental)
- Ai ga Hitoribotchi (Instrumental)
- Check! Check! Check! (Instrumental)
- Kimi ga Inakereba (Instrumental)