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The Premium Best Iwasaki Yoshimi is the 18th best album released by Iwasaki Yoshimi.

It was released on November 21, 2012.

Best Album Information[]

  • Catalog Number: PCCA-3745


CD 1[]

  1. Aka to Kuro (赤と黒; Red and Black)
  2. Suzukaze (涼風; Cool Breeze)
  3. Anata Iro no Manon (あなた色のマノン; Manon in Your Color)
  5. Shiki (四季; Four Seasons)
  7. Gomen ne Darling (ごめんねDarling; Sorry Darling)
  8. Vacance
  9. Keshou Nante Niawanai (化粧なんて似合わない; Makeup Doesn't Suit Me)
  10. Koi Hodo Sutekina Show wa Nai (恋ほど素敵なショーはない; There's No Better Show than Love)
  11. Last Dance ni wa Haya Sugiru (ラストダンスには早過ぎる; It's Too Early for the Last Dance)
  12. Tsuki no Hamabe (月の浜辺; Moon Beach)
  13. Ai wa Doko ni Itta no (愛はどこに行ったの; Where Did the Love Go?)
  14. Yokohama Headlight (ヨコハマHeadlight)
  15. Touch (タッチ)
  16. Ai ga Hitoribotchi (愛がひとりぼっち; Love is All Alone)
  17. Check! Check! Check! (チェッ!チェッ!チェッ!)
  18. Kimi ga Inakereba (君がいなければ; Without You)

CD 2[]

  1. Aka to Kuro (Instrumental)
  2. Suzukaze (Instrumental)
  3. Anata Iro no Manon (Instrumental)
  4. I THINK SO (Instrumental)
  5. Shiki (Instrumental)
  6. LA WOMAN (Instrumental)
  7. Gomen ne Darling (Instrumental)
  8. Vacance (Instrumental)
  9. Keshou Nante Niawanai (Instrumental)
  10. Koi Hodo Sutekina Show wa Nai (Instrumental)
  11. Last Dance ni wa Haya Sugiru (Instrumental)
  12. Tsuki no Hamabe (Instrumental)
  13. Ai wa Doko ni Itta no (Instrumental)
  14. Yokohama Headlight (Instrumental)
  15. Touch (Instrumental)
  16. Ai ga Hitoribotchi (Instrumental)
  17. Check! Check! Check! (Instrumental)
  18. Kimi ga Inakereba (Instrumental)