Uemura Kana (植村花菜) is a singer-songwriter.
In 2014, she married drummer Shimizu Takehiro. Their first child was born on January 27, 2015. The family moved to New York in December 2016.
She changed her artist name to Ka-Na in 2019 to be more easily pronounced in English.
- [2006.01.04] Itsumo Waratte Irareru You ni (いつも笑っていられるように)
- [2007.01.04] Shiawase no Hako wo Hiraku Kagi (しあわせの箱を開くカギ)
- [2007.11.07] Ai to Taiyou (愛と太陽)
- [2012.01.25] Te to Te (手と手)
Best Albums[]
- [2016.09.30] The Best Songs
Cover Albums[]
- [2014.08.27] The Covers~60's to 70's
Self Cover Albums[]
- [2010.09.15] Kana ~My Favorite Things~ (花菜〜My Favorite Things〜)
Venue Limited Albums[]
- [2017.12.25] Definite
Mini Albums[]
- [2009.03.25] Haru no Sora (春の空)
- [2010.03.10] Watashi no Kakera-tachi (わたしのかけらたち)
- [2013.03.13] Steps
- [2016.05.11] Ai no Katachi (愛のかたち)
- [2019.01.25] Happiness
- [2021.05.11] Sore de Ii (それでいい)
- [2004.06.30] Kana (花菜)
- [2005.05.11] Taisetsu na Hito (大切な人)
- [2005.09.07] Milk Tea (ミルクティー)
- [2005.11.23] Kiseki / Koi no Mahou (キセキ/恋の魔法)
- [2006.03.29] Yasashisa ni Tsutsumareta Nara (やさしさに包まれたなら)
- [2006.08.23] Kami Hikouki (紙ヒコーキ)
- [2006.12.06] Hikari to Kage (光と影)
- [2007.09.26] Anata no Sono Egao wa Ii Hint ni Naru (あなたのその笑顔はいいヒントになる)
- [2008.08.20] Shalala (シャララ)
- [2009.02.11] BLESS / Haru ni Shite Kimi wo Omou (BLESS/春にして君を想う)
- [2010.11.24] Toilet no Kami-sama (トイレの神様)
- [2011.09.07] My Favorite Songs / Sekaiichi Gohan (My Favorite Songs/世界一ごはん)
- [2012.01.04] Message (メッセージ)
- [2014.01.29] Kagayaku Jikan no Naka de (輝く時間の中で)
Digital Singles[]
- [2007.07.11] Only You
- She is descended from historical figure Okubo Toshimichi.
- She has four older siblings.
- She was raised by a single mother.