Yamaguchi Momoe Zenkyoku Shuu is the ninth best album released by Yamaguchi Momoe.
It was released on November 1, 1976.
Best Album Information[]
- Catalog Number:
- Cassette: 34KH-60
- 8-track Tape: 36YH-60
- Pearl Color ni Yurete (パールカラーにゆれて; Shimmering in Pearl Colors)
- Yokosuka Story (横須賀ストーリー)
- Sasayaka na Yokubo (ささやかな欲望; Modest Desire)
- Hito Natsu no Keiken (ひと夏の経験; A Summer Experience)
- Akai Unmei (赤い運命; Red Fate)
- Ai ni Hashitte (愛に走って; Running for Love)
- Arigatou Anata (ありがとう あなた; Thank You, You)
- Yamabato (山鳩; Turtledove)
- Aoi Kajitsu (青い果実; Blueberry)
- Mizumi no Kesshin (湖の決心; Lake Decision)
- Natsu Hiraku Seishun (夏ひらく青春; Youth Blooms in Summer)
- Chippoke na Kansho (ちっぽけな感傷; Petty Sentiment)
- Izu no Odoriko (伊豆の踊子; The Dancing Girl of Izu)
- Amai Uragiri (甘い裏切り; Sweet Betrayal)
- Toshigoro (としごろ; Old Enough)
- Shiroi Yakusoku (白い約束; White Promise)
- Fuyu no Iro (冬の色; Winter Color)
- Harukaze no Itazura (春風のいたずら; Spring Breeze Mischief)
- Kinjirareta Asobi (禁じられた遊び; Forbidden Games)